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Feedback: What do you think of Kelowna’s climate change plan

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Kelowna Capital News online readers were quick to chime in on the City of Kelowna’s climate change action plan on both and the Capital News Facebook page.

Nic Alexanders:

And this will make our city cleaner? What a laugh that is spending money for no gain. Brain washed politicians. Electric cars cost too much to buy and the cost to charge will become too expensive. Is the city going to offer free charging posts in the middle of Harvey? Go ahead and charge for parking at a higher rate it will not make more people to use transit. Transit does not get me to where I need to go. It is OK for some but not for others.

Wayne Bonsan

Council can attack automobiles but they would be wise to be honest with their reasons. Vehicles contribute about 30 to 35 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions, not the erroneous 55 per cent claimed. Cars and trucks running on gas or diesel may be eliminated, but they will be replaced by cars and trucks using electric power for propulsion. Because the city fathers insisted on forcing through traffic into the town core years ago for “tourism dollars” much of the traffic is not local.

Council needs to be looking at and promoting a bypass to eliminate through traffic in the town core. Council must also consider that Kelowna is a semi rural area and make sure there are adequate, decent and reasonable traffic corridors for local and tourists to get around the urban sprawl. City council does not have the right to tell me or anyone else that because we live in a certain area we must shop, work and recreate in that area. That stifles the economy and jobs. Is that their true intention?

Rob Carss

Wow, glad council is focussed on such important issues. Maybe do better traffic planning to eliminate the emissions from vehicles stopped at the numerous traffic lights, try more traffic circles, I would also suggest more effort be spent on real social issues like helping the homeless and addressing the drug abuse issue. Political (opportunists) looking for votes is all I see here.

Robert Stupka

What are you proposing folks? None of the actions have been adopted by council. They are only options being looked at further and there will be consultation and refinement. So why not participate in the process to create a plan that works and learn the issues rather than spewing obscenities. This is as much about improving livability in this region. If you don’t like things how they are voting out people looking to fix things does nothing.

Kelowna Capital News