Feel free to speak

What do people in Golden have to say?

People love to talk.

People love to talk about anything and everything.

But mostly, people like to talk about their opinions.

Everyone has an opinion, everyone has an idea and everyone thinks they’re right. Maybe you are, maybe you aren’t. But there is no lack of strong opinions in this town, and that’s a good thing.

Every week, a section of the news paper is dedicated to those opinions and those ideas. Yet looking through the opinion pages it often seems as though Goldenites do not have one.

We get letters from across the Province yet our own town does not share theirs. It would be silly for us to think you don’t have one. Everyone does and I have had many people come directly to me to speak about them.

For months now we have all been staring at opinions about the same thing. HST, HST and HST. A few have been from Golden, most are letters written by people elsewhere in B.C.

We know that this isn’t the only thing people in Golden care about, but based on our lack of letters to the editor, it seems as though it is.

Everyone has a complaint or a suggestion and no one is scared to share them with friends, but an opinion letter can take your idea farther.

If you have an idea that you think would better the community in some way, share it. It only takes one person to get the ball rolling and you would be surprised by the support you may get.

If you disagree with something that was said, let us know- it could be that there were others who disagreed as well.

It would be nice to be able to look at the paper and see names we knew. It would be good to see more local opinions being shared.

It isn’t difficult to submit something and if you truly believe in it, then it shouldn’t be difficult to attach your name to it either.

It is one thing to say something, but another to be willing to share it with a town and put it in writing.

If you have something to say then you have something to write.


Golden Star