Feeling job action effects

Student expresses frustration over labour disruption


Hello, my name is Sidney Stratton, I’m 14 years-old and in grade nine at Stanley Humphries Secondary School. Since the strike has began at our school we have been faced with many problems.

The strike has stuff to do with us but the only way we can be informed about it is by the news. Most of the people in my school are very not pleased about this because it seriously effects us majorly! Our school sports have been temporarily put to a stop because some of our coaches are not allowed to coach us because they’re teachers. We are also finding that the kids who seriously need help with homework or classwork at lunch or in the mornings or after school can’t seem to get it. We think it is affecting us. So this Friday the kids in our school will be walking out. We know this doesn’t effect you but we were told to inform sorts of media. Thank you so much for reading this email.


Sidney Stratton, Castlegar

Castlegar News