Feeling ripped off

How can an empty house cost more than one that has people living in it

My husband and I have exactly the same issue with BC Hydro (The News, April 17) and feel we are being gouged also.

I am certain there are many others that feel the same way.

We even sarcastically commented that we should pay someone to stay in our home while we are away to save on our hydro bill.

It is absolutely ridiculous to think that an empty house, well insulated, costs more to run with electricity than a house with two people using it for showers, laundry, cooking, heating and so on.

When we spoke to BC Hydro about our bill they were less than helpful. To add insult to injury, to have someone come out to  check if our meter was working properly was going to cost us $95.

Donna Marie Rozon





Parksville Qualicum Beach News