Feeling the love

Together we will make the yuletide season better for friends and neighbours

The residents, service clubs and business owners of 100 Mile House and the surrounding communities are continuing to outdo themselves during this yuletide season.

Donations of money, food, toys, clothing and other goods have been flowing in to nurture our less-fortunate friends and neighbours.

Much of this has to do with the celebration of Jesus Christ’s birthday, also known as Christmas Day, and it’s important to try to make everyone’s Christmas a little bit brighter.

This year, however, there seems to be more urgency, as the need appears to be greater than it was last year.

Undoubtedly, it has to do from the slow recovery from the economic downturn, and it has affected families and individuals throughout the South Cariboo, as it has throughout most areas of the province.

Already long lines of those seeking assistance are growing longer at our local social service agencies.

Folks who were just making ends meet the last couple of years are now being forced to go to the various agencies in an effort to get a hand up for themselves and their families.

We need to remember that behind the fear, doubt and anxiety in those eyes, there is the shattered pride of people who need a little help during this economic storm. We are all hoping and praying for sunnier days.

We should be proud of what we are doing as a community, and that includes the whole region because we are opening up our hearts and wallets to help our friends and neighbours who are going through tough times.

It’s not about tossing a few coins or cans of food in a collection box; it’s really about rolling up our sleeves and helping everyone who needs assistance and doing it without being judgmental.

This is exactly what’s happening here, as people reach out to help each other.

It’s not because we feel morally obligated to do so; it’s because we know this is the way we should conduct ourselves.

We are realizing that together we will have better communities because we’re taking a different path through life.

We are very proud of this community – thanks for caring.

100 Mile House Free Press