Feral focus folly

Why not put scarce resources into cats that have a home?

I would like to explain to recent letter writer Deb Maddocks of Qualicum Cat Rescue, and similar organizations like the SPCA, why I do not donate.

I used to, but these organizations are no longer reasonable and have lost all common sense.

I have personal information of someone caring for a “herd” of feral cats plus her own. She is a very responsible cat owner, so all hers are spayed or neutered.

The last 10 years or more, with help from cat rescue she has tried to catch or trap the feral cats, with very little success. Meanwhile they multiply. That goal is unreasonable. They offer a limited number of certificates, so what do they do when other requests arise?

Common sense tells me, if they spent less on feral cats, domestic cats as pets could all be taken care of. We can never stop unreliable pet owners abandoning their pets, so let’s help those who do not.

How about a goal to have pet store owners not allow a cat to be sold unless it is spayed or neutered?

I like animals but dislike pet owners who think we have to love their pets as they do.  If pets are their family, then keep them from using my lawn or yard as a toilet — or does that mean my children and grandchildren can do the same to their yards?

Terri Elston





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