Ferry fees are political

Why wouldn’t ferry fees get political?

Since the so-called privatization of BC Ferries in 2003, fees have risen 50 per cent and management wages have gone up 300 per cent. Now management is talking 100-per-cent fare hikes on some routes.

Other than a few new ferries being built in Germany the rest of the fleet continues to slip into disrepair and is even reported as unsafe by some.

In reality this whole set-up is nothing more than another giant hole in the water in which to pour taxpayer money.

It is simply just another no-win P3 with the taxpayer left completely responsible for all debts or defaults or overruns and private individuals like Mr. Hahn and a few other high rollers skimming off a generous share of the huge publicly subsidized costs.

It is as political as it gets, not much different than the Fast Cats only in this case there is absolutely no payoff of high-paying jobs or new industry for B.C.

It is nothing less than an ever-increasing drain on the ever-suffering B.C. taxpayer. After all, the private part of BC Ferries has to make a profit, as all private corporations do, and we the taxpayers and ferry users pay the increasing costs or deal with reduced service as always.

Now that is what I call a sweetheart deal. Maybe it is time to seriously look into a bridge-tunnel to Vancouver Island.

Wayne Clark

Maple Ridge

Surrey Now Leader