‘Fierce warrior cat’ returns to Comox Valley home

Dear editor,

Best gift ever — after 18 months our fierce warrior cat was found and brought home.

Dear editor,

Best gift ever — after 18 months our fierce warrior cat was found and brought home.

Odin (named for the father of the Norse gods) disappeared four days after our move to Comox. Slipped under the fence, never to be seen again.

Seven days ago a wonderful man named Dave found him hiding under a dumpster behind Quality Foods in Comox. Emaciated and weak, Odin staggered out trying to get warmth and affection from Dave and his two dogs. They took him home, checked his ear tattoo, took him to the vet, revived him and then called us.

We had Odin home for two nights before his health took a turn for the worse. Unable to keep any food or water down, we took him to Van Isle Animal Hospital (on Wendell’s birthday, coincidentally), where he was admitted and taken under the caring wing of Dr. Ashley Bernauer, a resident veterinarian and, as we later found out, a near-relative on Wendell’s side of the family.

After Odin’s sudden and severe decline, he was given IV fluids and underwent several rounds of diagnostics, including X-rays and blood workups. It appeared that in his desperation to find food, he ingested some sand, rocks and bones and had a partial blockage in his stomach.

With that he was too weak and emaciated to be operated on. We were left hoping that once he got rehydrated his blockage would clear itself, but we prepared for the possibility of surgery. Being such a fighter, we decided then and there that we would not give up on him.

After several more days in the hospital at death’s door, last night he came home to our family and is doing remarkably well — eating and drinking on his own, and of course, plenty of lounging!

We are very grateful to Dave and his family for bringing our kitty home and to Van Isle Veterinary Hospital and Dr. Bernauer for the wonderful care he received.

Laura & Wendell Hoyseth,

Comox Valley


Comox Valley Record