Fiesta bazaar organizer grateful for support

Dear editor,
A big global thank you to everyone who made Fiesta World Craft Bazaar 2011 the most successful ever!

Dear editor,A big global thank you to everyone who made Fiesta World Craft Bazaar 2011 the most successful ever!Thank you to the Record for their support, muchas gracias to the dedicated 90 volunteers who make it happen, merci beaucoup to the non-profit groups and the fair trade vendors and artisans who work tirelessly and creatively all year and thank you to all of you who came and made the choice to shop with your heart. One of the vendors from Vancouver took me aside at the end of a very busy day and said that she was amazed that she didn’t need to constantly tell the story of fair trade and how she was working with Mayan women weavers in Guatemala.She said that the Comox Valley “gets it,” they understand whatfair trade is and what a positive effect it can have on creating the world we dream of!2012 will be the 20th anniversary of Fiesta, and due to many requests, Fiesta will be held on two days, Nov. 17 and 18, at the Filberg Centre, upstairs and down!See you at the bazaar at the World Community’s wonderful Film Festival this weekend.Dave Talbot,Comox Valley

Comox Valley Record