Film festival goers can vote with their feet

A more appropriate and realistic response would be: If you don’t like it, don’t go see it. People can vote with their feet.

To the editor:

In responding to the outrages expressed over the scheduling of (short film) Donkey Love (Film Festival Removed from Public Viewing, Oct. 11 Capital News), Ms. Michaels falls prey to the media’s often used “learning about another culture” excuse. (Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell About Your Donkey Love, Oct. 12 Capital News.)

Under the premise of learning about another culture would Ms. Michaels condone viewing the product of another subculture, namely “snuff movies,” whereby an actual murder is filmed?

Where does she draw the line?

A more appropriate and realistic response would be: If you don’t like it, don’t go see it. People can vote with their feet.

I certainly have no desire to see this very questionable undertaking which has no real educational or cultural value.

Ronald Roy,


Kelowna Capital News