Film shows another side of China

A number of folk from Summerland and surrounding areas took part in a slow boat to China cruise and excursion last fall.

Dear Editor:

A number of folk from Summerland and surrounding areas took part in a slow boat to China cruise and excursion last fall.

They saw a lot of China during their visit, but I don’t think they saw what some of the life was like for the Chinese people, particularly during their annual Chinese New Year’s trek home to visit relatives in the countryside.

The tourists to China, and anybody else interested, might like to see the movie “Last Train Home” which will be shown at the Legion in Summerland, Feb. 22, a Wednesday evening, at 7:30 p.m.

The film has won  six international awards.  Anyone planning a trip to China should see it. Please come and bring friends. Admission by donation. Brought to you by the Summerland Film Club. See additional information on our website,

Frank Martens,




Summerland Review