

Finances should be a priority with Saanich council

One would think that the last thing hard pressed Saanich taxpayers would need is another environmental activist on Saanich council.

One would think that the last thing hard pressed Saanich taxpayers would need is another environmental activist on Saanich council.

Given the outrageous and totally unsustainable tax increases foisted on beleaguered Saanich rate payers over the last few years, in the face of increased costs for housing, hydro, natural gas, water, home insurance, food and the like, what is required on council is a conservative financial activist.

There is a dire need to reign in the spending habits of Saanich council, and members who will, for the first time in the lives of many Saanich homeowners, balance the Saanich budget without dipping into the pockets of taxpayers.

It has been patently clear for many years that Saanich council have been imbedded with a preponderance of environmental activist who are far more interested in developing diabolical by laws such as the EDPA, installing bike paths where there is very little use, and dealing with their left wing ideology, than putting forth spending reductions and therefore taxes, to help Saanich homeowners deal with the ever increasing cost of living increases we deal with on a day to day basis.

Saanich homeowners need to join the paradigm of the ” grumpy taxpayers” organization and, heading towards the next municipal election, make it patently clear to candidates that votes will not be cast in their favour unless they commit to helping homeowners by reducing spending and therefore taxes. The answer to that question alone should clear the Saanich deck of most of the current crop of tax and spend profligates.

H.J. Rice


Saanich News