Financial institution should stay and work with Langley City and residents

Standing shoulder to shoulder with residents and the City would be the best course of action.

Editor: I read in the Apr. 15 edition of The Times that Envision Financial is leaving the City of Langley.  The reasons for the departure sited by the Envision president were partly business-related and partly related to issues of public safety.

I acknowledge that currently the City of Langley is facing serious issues related to public safety.  If Envision Financial were a good corporate citizen, it would stand shoulder to shoulder with the residents of the City to deal with these crime and public safety issues.  Instead Envision has opted to ‘cut and run.’

Certainly Envision Financial is free to choose a course of action that is in its best interests.  Equally, the City of Langley and its residents are free to choose their business relationships.  Given that we are being abandoned by Envision Financial to fend for ourselves I would strongly encourage the City of Langley to sever any business ties with Envision Financial.  Additionally, I would encourage businesses and residents of the City to do the same.

Scott Thompson,

Langley City

Langley Times