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Has anyone asked the question as to why the local residents are so upset with the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine's project?

Dear Sir:

In regards to the controversy surrounding the Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine over its plans to borrow $17 million to build a super landfill site on a sensitive area involving the Lakelse Lake watershed, has anyone asked the question as to why the local residents are so upset with this project?

Not only is it going to cost millions of dollars, but the environmental impact should something go wrong (recently the Mount Polley tailing pond in the Cariboo) in a such a sensitive and pristine area would be irreparable.

This group of people, the regional district directors, many of whom do not even live in this impacted area, keep telling us what is best for us and have been unable to answer many of our concerns.

They have been unable to guarantee us 110 per cent that nothing can go wrong when you build a landfill site on the Onion Lake Plateau.

Come on, people. It is time to stand up and be heard. Enough is enough. Let’s find a safer landfill site. So tell the regional district it is about time they started to listen to the people they are accountable to. Whatever happened to democracy?

Bruce Hansen,

Terrace, B.C.


Terrace Standard