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Finding light in a dark year, to hold on to for tomorrow

Just like consuming news in 2020 felt like it was all about COVID, writing it also often felt exhausting especially when every incident, event, opportunity, funding had a pandemic-related caveat to it. So when we went through the entire year's news to compile the Year In Review for this and next edition, that's when we realized that yes, 2020 was about COVID but also about so many more things.

Just like consuming news in 2020 felt like it was all about COVID, writing it also often felt exhausting especially when every incident, event, opportunity, funding had a pandemic-related caveat to it. So when we went through the entire year’s news to compile the Year In Review for this and next edition, that’s when we realized that yes, 2020 was about COVID but also about so many more things.

No one sat down on the New Years’ Eve last year and thought they would spend the entire year at home, wouldn’t be able to do any of the travel they thought; nor did anyone imagine there would be such massive loss of lives over the entire year, directly through COVID and indirectly through the burden that was wrought upon many due to the pandemic. I, for one, lost my grandmother and with her, a whole chunk of hope.

No one imagined it, no one could plan for it, and yet here we are, an entire year later, after earth’s one full rotation around the sun (well, almost).

For some, work from home turned out to be a curse; it was lonely for some while for others it was too noisy at home with no in-person contact with the outside world. It was also difficult because work and home boundaries disappeared for many people their work increased manifolds without the nine to five clock binding their work hours.

But for so many others, it was about getting to spend more time at home, with family, or about new beginnings with virtual weddings and births. I had two weddings in my family alone and four new lives coming into the world. So many found the time to learn new things, work on some old dreams and many more found ways to help those in need.

Even in these small towns where the pandemic hadn’t wreaked havoc like in bigger cities, everyone from the local food bank to the art council and the volunteer fire departments to the health workers, were working tirelessly, to bring joy in a year that seemed hopeless.

Yes, the staggering number of deaths and the losses that the year brought with it are no doubt so much more than just numbers. And the word tragedy doesn’t even do justice to what so many families have faced this past year. It is hard to find some light when faced with so much tragedy and loss.

But I urge you today, to reflect on the year that went by and find those moments of joy, happiness and passion.

Find your light through the darkness of this year.

After all, there is still a day and a few hours left to bid adieu to 2020.

Priyanka Ketkar
Multimedia journalist

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