Finding Restraint

It is encouraging to see in the annual financial report that the town is reducing the debit but I believe that more can be done.

It is encouraging to see in the annual financial report that the town is reducing the debit but I believe that more can be done.

I asked the Town what it cost to send the Mayor, five councillors (Councillor Hern did not attend) and one staff member to the Union of B.C. Municipalities conference in Victoria. Unfortunately I failed to get a response so had to go through the Freedom of Information Act (FOI). I believe that other citizens of the town would be interested in the figures. It is my view that information as to where our tax dollars are spent should be made available to taxpayers without having to resort to the FOI Act. These figures should be included on the town website.

The total registration fees amounted to $6,490.40, travel expenses was $21,864.09 for a total cost of $28,354.49. It is also important to point out that the registration fees also included $1,075.00 for spouses and partners of some of the councillors which is made up of $450.00 to attend the annual banquet and reception, the rest is for tours etc.

I have nothing against attendance to these events but with the current financial situation of the Town I believe restraint should be used on the number attending.

Yours truly

Jim deBolebec



Golden Star