Fine print is frustrating for many people

MP Cathy McLeod introduces her first private member’s bill on reading the fine print on labels.

To the editor;

Congratulations to Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo MP Cathy McLeod on introducing her first private member’s bill on reading the fine print on labels.

It is gratifying to see her acknowledge people are wary of buying something without knowing what it contains.

Many people are wary of the food they are buying because they do not know if the product itself and/or its contents contain ingredients that have been genetically modified (genetically engineered).

Most genetic modifications provide for the food product to be sprayed with glyphosate (commonly called Roundup) and, in the United States, 2,4-D weed killer.

These are systemics the plant absorbs and the plant and/or derivatives from the plant are then consumed by people.

Some people have severe reactions to these potent chemicals and many people, like myself, want to know how their food and/or food product have been grown so we can make the choice of what we buy and consume.

Consistent with Bill C-290, I hope McLeod will introduce a private member’s bill that requires all food and food products require labelling that identifies whether the food and/or product has been genetically modified and/or sprayed with glyphosate or any other pesticides.

Bob Trudeau

Kamloops, B.C.


Barriere Star Journal