Fines are not serving the desired purpose when it comes to changing poor driving habits

Dear editor,

Recently a thought came to my mind regarding our driving habits, including my own. Why do we think that we have the right to drive careless at times, even to the point that we could cause an accident and kill someone or injure for life?

A letter published in a Victoria paper suggested a first, second and third offence fine.

Here are my thoughts: We have to realize that it is a privilege that we can drive a car, however, as soon as we push the gas pedal all the way down and exceed the speed limit and on top of that switch lanes and cut off other drivers, we take the risk of killing others. Drivers like that should have no rights to drive on any roads. This kind of atrocious misbehaviour in traffic could be identified by the use of cameras on each vehicle. This gauge would largely take care of the onslaught that is occurring on our roads.

Yes, this is drastic, but don’t forget; 26 people lost their lives in September in car accidents in B.C.  As I stated in the very beginning of my article “including my own” driving habits.  I mean this, because this it is a matter of life or death, therefore we need stricter laws that can deal with drivers who should not be driving period.  Think about the tragedies of those that have to face the loss of their loved ones, just because their relatives happen to drive while another driver became reckless.  Driving is a privilege and should be protected by laws that hold water without any leaking.

The repeated fines suggestion is drastic, yet not severe enough to stop this thoughtless killing on our roads.

Ary Sala

Fanny Bay


Comox Valley Record