Fire Department, police offer little known service to residents

Editor: I think this bit of information may interest many of your senior readers. We live in a mature adult strata complex.

After reading articles in both Langley local newspapers about very serious losses to seniors who had inadequate fire prevention systems, our strata council grew concerned.

We realized that each of our homes had smoke detectors going back 25 years.

We weren’t sure how to get all owners to agree to update their detectors and, more importantly, given some of our ages, how to get them all installed properly.

Then we found Gary. He’s the public education officer for the Township of Langley Fire Department.  Together with the RCMP Block Watch program, Gary helped us put on a Home Safety Check event at our complex on a recent Saturday.

Volunteers and sponsors came out in full force.

Each home was offered a security inspection of their doors and windows and checked passageways to ensure prompt emergency response.

The Township fire department made sure that all smoke alarms were updated and then gave us lots of tips to improve our exterior fire safety.

Surrey Extreme Fire & Safety provided fully qualified fire safety technicians to install the new detectors. Kidde Canada set up a display and explained the latest in fire safety resources.

Logan Creek McDonalds and Cedarbrook Bakery contributed food and goodies for all the workers.

What an outpouring of care and concern for the safety of our residents.

We are full of admiration for these volunteers and very grateful.

If others are concerned about fire prevention and home safety, this is the go-to community resource.

Joanne Reynolds


Langley Times