Fire hall needed?

Nice to see our government in Qualicum Beach has decided to proceed with a new fire hall and have already incurred significant expenses.

Nice to see that our government in Qualicum Beach has decided to proceed with a new fire hall and have already incurred significant consultant expenses.

So, after minimal public debate or input (for questions such as: do we need such a facility? Was this a necessary item or just to keep up with the Joneses?) it’s already in the budget.

How do we have $2-4 million in the budget for an item that was just an idea as little as six months ago? Was there not a recommendation that a referendum be called?

Are we overtaxed to have that amount of “discretionary spending,” perhaps at the expense of a new useless roundabout, or maybe some crossing beepers?

But I digress. I previously wrote about the costs expended to renovate the existing hall, which now seems to be collateral damage, and also about seeking government grants?

It appears that our elected officials and staff believe these grants to be free. In reality, it is our tax money being given back as a nice political gesture.

Allan Clark

Qualicum Beach

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