Fired up over selfishness


White Rock’s new Zoning Bylaw 2000 is flawed and concerns local residents.


To the people who want to party at White Rock beach, I ask that you think before you light that fire.

Last week, when you were drinking at West Beach, did you really not realize you did not put the fire out? The broken liquor bottle you left behind for children to cut themselves on was stupid enough, but at approximately 10:30 a.m. the next morning, the smoke started to billow from the logs on the fire that you probably thought you had put out the night before.

I called the fire department. They sent firemen to actually carry the logs out to the water. Our firefighters are not for frivolous call-outs but for serious help. They are highly skilled individuals. Yes, I felt silly calling them, but I had the little ones with me and would have been more upset if someone had been burned or cut because of a few thoughtless individuals the night before.

It’s that time of year again – beautiful weather and the urge to have a fire at the beach. Don’t do it!

Karen Smith, White Rock



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