Fireworks traffic was dangerous

Dear Sir:

Our family has enjoyed the Riverboat Days fireworks display for years from the Old Skeena River Bridge. The bridge has always been closed off, providing a safe environment.

Dear Sir:

Our family has enjoyed the Riverboat Days fireworks display for years from the Old Skeena River Bridge. The bridge has always been closed off,  providing a safe environment.

On July 30, 2011, however, the bridge for some reason was not closed off. When the fireworks began, people on the bridge sidewalk crossed the deck to the open railing side for a better view.

This created a very unsafe situation: Many people, including small children, mingling with rapidly moving traffic.

Several of the cars were travelling well above the posted speed limit. The RCMP knew about the event since they had a car on Hwy16 east of the four-way stop with its lights flashing before the event and they were present for traffic control afterwards.

So the question is: why wasn’t the bridge closed to traffic?

Ed Harrison,

Terrace, BC


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