First past the post (FPP) or proportional representation (PPR)?

First past the post is for winners; PPR for losers — simplistic but descriptive!

PPR gives power to the least liked parties. Least liked parties will likely have majority votes with a three or more party system. Four parties — majority of 26 per cent win and 74 opposed. Ten parties, winner 11 per cent of the vote and 89 per cent against.

With PPR every decision is compromised. The party with the least votes has the deciding vote — high bargaining rights. This is why parties unlikely to win favour PPR. With PPR there is no incentive to even try to win!

Our system already degrades a representative’s authority in favour of party over voters; PPR escalates this trend. Party leaders set and enforce party dogma; many are unelectable! We voters already have to balance party verses capability of individuals. The result with PPR is Europe, where little is accomplished plus high spending without accountability. Accountability at election time!

PPR makes voting meaningless and representatives even more so! First past the post is for winners; PPR for losers — simplistic but descriptive!


Bob Conibear


Cowichan Valley Citizen