First past the post voting system needs to change

Congratulations to Justin Trudeau and the Liberals and thank you to all the candidates and volunteers for their efforts.


At long last, the election is over. Congratulations to Justin Trudeau and the Liberals and thank you to all the candidates and volunteers for their efforts.

We’ll see what type of change this will actually bring.

But one thing that hasn’t changed is our antiquated First Past the Post voting system.

The Liberals won 54 per cent of the seats with 39.5 per cent of the vote. Mr. Harper’s government majority government had 39.6 per cent of the vote. In other words, 60 per cent of us didn’t vote for “our” government.

It really is time for change to some form of proportional representation to more accurately reflect the wishes of the citizens of this country.

Ken Grieve

Williams Lake


Williams Lake Tribune