Flag-lowering complaint a silly waste of time

I am appalled that people would actually write a letter to the editor regarding flying the flags at half mast.

Editor: I am a citizen of this beautiful community, too.

I am appalled that people would actually write a letter to the editor regarding flying the flags at half mast.

I feel for Mr. Layton’s family and offer my condolences, but to fly the flag at half mast to me seems a bit extreme.

If we start and set this precedence then our flag will will be up and down daily!

If the Town of Lake Cowichan does this for the NDP, does this mean they favour that party?

Was Mr. Layton the Prime Minister?

I was citizen of the year. If something happens to me will the town pull down the flag?

Laurie Johnson

Lake Cowichan

Lake Cowichan Gazette