Flaws remain in Colwood sewer tax fix

Re: Colwood’s sewer quagmire nearing end, News, Oct. 21, 2011.

Re: Colwood’s sewer quagmire nearing end, News, Oct. 21, 2011.

Process is very important. Colwood councillors Judith Cullington, Gordie Logan and Cynthia Day, who are seeking re-election, joined in Colwood council to pass several new sewer money bylaws that affect everyone in the city.

While I am not against these bylaws, the public has not been presented with an opportunity to comment.  I have reviewed the bylaws and I am of the opinion that there are many concerns, issues and administrative problems with them.

We have seen council come down hard on developers who do not engage the public and get input to projects. Why should this be different?

Yes, there was a session December 2010 on the concept, but not the details. Why take a money bylaw that has two to three years left to pay out and stretch it out to 15 years? This will add as much as $230,000 to the debt payments.

Why take a 25 year payout and stretch it to 30 years?  This will add about $1 million in interest.

Arnold Rossander




Goldstream News Gazette