Fletcher taken to task for column

Is Tom Fletcher being a bully?

To the editor:

What does Tom Fletcher (Dumb leaders attack smart meters, page A9, Oct. 5 Free Press) have against people who have suffered reactions to smart meter radiation?

He knows the World Health Organization has classified the radiation as a possible cancer risk, and he should know electrohypersensitivity (EHS) is a disability recognized by the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

Thousands of people with EHS, compromised immune systems, heart problems and other health issues have become ill as a result of the mandatory installation of wireless smart meters.

Mr. Fletcher seems to have convinced himself these people are united in some plot to threaten the politics and profits of the smart meter project.

Perhaps he thinks the pets and plants that have shown negative effects of Smart Meter radiation are conspiring as well?

Or maybe he’s just a bully who thinks people with medical conditions that make them more susceptible to radiation are an easy target?


A. Churchill



100 Mile House Free Press