Fletcher’s column must have been a joke

Tom Fletcher could not have been serious when he slammed the BCTF

Thank you for printing Tom Fletcher’s recent column about how the “BCTF is indoctrinating our kids” (B.C. Views, March 7). It was very amusing.

When I first noticed Mr. Fletcher’s columns I thought he was serious and found myself becoming quite angry. Now I know he is deliberately creating a persona for himself as a cranky, opinionated, right-wing polemicist and I appreciate his attempts to bring humour to what would otherwise be serious topics.

He always picks certain facts to play up, totally omits others, and seems to try to portray himself as a serious reporter simply intent on reporting the news. He seems to be trying to be a satirical comedian along the lines of Stephen Colbert or Jon Stewart, but without the wit.

I’m a bit concerned, however, that your newspaper might be in an awkward position because he is described as a legislative reporter and columnist. The casual reader might assume that he is acting as a responsible reporter should and is investigating a given issue, and writing a balanced story.

Perhaps it would be advisable to gently inform readers of Mr. Fletcher’s true role at the paper by entitling his column “Tommy’s Rant,” or “Fletcher’s Funnies.”

Chris Bocking

North Saanich

Editor’s note: Tom Fletcher’s column is entitled B.C. Views. Columns, which appear on the Opinion page, allow for the expression of opinions.

Peninsula News Review