
Observer reporter comments on children returning to school

Although it’s been many years since I sent children off to school, I always take a moment on days like today to think about what the expectations are of the school system, especially by our students.

I remember a first day of school many years ago when I felt compelled to do battle with the system and the teachers regarding the best for my child.

In that instance the outcome was exactly what my son needed and the teachers and staff respected that.

With all the uncertainty swirling around our youngest members of society as they race back to the classroom for yet another year of learning, socializing, and growing, it’s paramount that the teachers, staff and government, regardless of their position, keep in mind these young people need the very best from everyone.

This is the time they form their dreams, work towards goals and require the clear focus of everyone entrusted with their growth.

As my sons made their way through the school system, not everyone was on the same page about students being the most important element.

I remember another time when I stood up in a very crowded school board meeting and reminded the board they worked for the parents and every student who sat in a classroom.

I agree with the need to negotiate on the part of the teachers and the need to be fiscally responsible on the part of the government, however I will never agree with students and families being the casualties in their war.

Students are in their seats ready for another year of learning and deserve the best both sides have to offer.

Keep the conflict out of the classroom and let cooler heads prevail as another year of negotiations begins.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer