Focus on positive efforts

Mayor Finall’s September 2012 report is factual, measured, and fair.

With respect to your question posed at the end of the article Daly questions mayor’s report (PNR, Friday, Nov. 23) my response on both first and second readings of Mayor Finall’s September 2012 report is that the document is factual, measured, and fair.

Compliance with Councilor Daly’s wishes would be tantamount to having Mr. Daly draft the message himself — and he is not the mayor. I find myself wondering if Councillor Daly’s persistent and sometimes picayune efforts to thwart Mayor Finall could be evidence of his ambition to occupy the mayor’s chair once more.  If this be true, I would suggest to Mr. Daly, without offering encouragement,  that his ambition would be best served by setting aside his personal feud with Mayor Finall and instead focusing his efforts on positive contributions to our community.

Farrell Boyce

North Saanich


Peninsula News Review