Focus on solutions over problems

I am continually amazed and impressed with how some people in this town deal with problems.

I am continually amazed and impressed with how some people in this town deal with problems.

A very passionate and dedicated woman made a presentation to Council this past week regarding what must be a very frustrating problem.

A pathway from the river ends near her home, and due to poor planning, pedestrians can either take the long way around to get to the next street, or trespass.

It is no surprise that far too many people choose the latter option, resulting in vandalism, and a lack of security for the residents (many of whom have small children) in the area.

But instead of walking into Town Hall and demanding someone fix this problem (which has been occurring for years), she walked in with a solution.

She offered to do all the leg work herself, finding a green space grant to purchase the property beside hers, and build a park (which would also serve as an easement).

She found a solution on her own, is willing to do the work, and only asks for the Town’s support.

I remember being equally impressed when the Little Mittens group took on a community issue themselves (the feral cat population), only asking for co-operation from the Town.

It is truly amazing what can be accomplished  when people focus on the solutions, rather than the problems.


Golden Star