Follow Delta’s lead on parking

An open letter to Surrey council.

Last week I was given my second parking ticket at my local medical clinic.

An open letter to Surrey council.

Last week I was given my second parking ticket at my local medical clinic, after reaching the end of my one hour that I had paid for.

This was the result of my medical consultation starting late and going longer than expected.

In no way am I criticizing our medical experts for this overrun, as they provide sterling services that are difficult to schedule with the wide variety of situations involved.

What was shocking to discover was Imperial Parking have the authority to demand a $60 payment in seven days – or $80 if paid later – for a small infraction.

I sincerely request council to pass a bylaw banning parking fees on lots associated with provision of medical services throughout Surrey.

This type of restriction on gouging medical “victims” has already been passed by Delta council, demonstrating strong public leadership.

If Surrey council is not brave enough to take on these parking monsters, then please consider a bylaw that would force these companies to have their fees and penalty charges in Surrey reviewed annually and approved by council or city staff before implementation.

I ask other citizens, taxpayers and voters to join me in urging Surrey to follow Delta’s public spirited restrictions on medical parking.

Herbert Spencer, Surrey



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