Follow White Rock’s path


White Rock always brings to mind a day at the beach.

What is interesting is just how little oceanfront White Rock has. They have made the most of what they have by building an attractive walkway.


White Rock always brings to mind a day at the beach.

What is interesting is just how little oceanfront White Rock has. They have made the most of what they have by building an attractive walkway.

Whilst Crescent Beach is equally attractive, Surrey ignores the bulk of its coastline.

Surrey is on the coast, but it is not always the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Surrey.

Imagine a seawall from Crescent Beach to Kwomais Point Park. Many people walk on the railway track to enjoy our ocean front, why not make it accessible and safer?

Imagine being able to walk from Crescent Beach to Elgin Park. Imagine being able to walk on the dikes, which I believe – might be wrong – that our tax dollars help maintain. Why do we not have access to the dikes?

I realize that we have a railway on our Surrey coastline, but if White Rock can deal with this, why can’t Surrey?

Surrey is busy building big-box stores, industrial parks, a city centre and massive housing developments; please do not forget the coastline in Surrey.

J. Wood, Surrey

Peace Arch News