Food and Toy Drive a success

The Tribune/Weekend Advisor’s annual Food and Toy Drive was another huge success last Saturday.

The Tribune/Weekend Advisor’s annual Food and Toy Drive was another huge success last Saturday.

In two-and-a-half hours a steady stream of people brought toys and gifts for children and teens and bags of non-perishable food to help the Salvation Army make Christmas a little brighter for families in need this year.

Three Cariboo GM trucks loaned for the occasion were filled to capacity.

And with help from the Williams Lake Midget Rep Timberwolves the donations were unloaded at the Salvation Army where they will be distributed to families in need.

Tribune/Weekend Advisor publisher Kathy McLean said she was touched by the support the citizens of Williams Lake gave to the annual food and toy drive and the generosity of our local business community in supporting the event.

In exchange for donations, people take an envelope off our tree which is exchanged for a gift donated by a local business.

The prize envelopes on our Christmas tree this year included gift certificates donated by no less than 47 local businesses.

All donors also had the opportunity to enter a draw for one of five major prizes donated by local businesses as grand prize sponsors.

“When it comes to supporting local charities the community of Williams Lake has always been so generous,” McLean says.

For a list of grand prize winners see Friday’s Weekend Advisor.

– Williams Lake Tribune

Williams Lake Tribune