Food for thought

Residents recount their experience at the movies recently

We watched the movie Eye in the Sky at Galaxy Cinema, having read the recommendation by Tylor and Howe in The Morning Star.

It is ironic that Howe, who gave his appraisal as “four loaves of bread out of five,” did not note the flaw in the story related to bread.

The undercover Somali in the El Shebab compound has tried to get a young girl selling bread by the house targeted for a missile strike, out of harms way, by buying all of her loaves.  He is recognized by guards, is chased, and manages to hide. He has discarded the loaves.

The girl picks them up and starts to resell them by the same house. In the denouement, the Somali sends a young lad to buy all of her loaves in order to remove her again from harm.  But the agent has no way of knowing that she is reselling the loaves. Food for thought.


Heddi and Tony Walter


Vernon Morning Star