Yellow raspberries ripening. (Erik Jacobsen photo)

Food for thought and for the belly

Erik starts to harvest the fruits of his labour

It has been hot and dry for the last few weeks, just in case you have not noticed. Watering has been on nearly everyone’s mind, especially when it comes to the garden crops we have worked so hard to enjoy.

To remind us how important the right way of watering is, the vegetables are perhaps the most sensitive to a lack of moisture because their roots are very shallow. I am reluctant to bring up the moisture meter, but the fact is it is a tool takes away the need for guesswork.

The fruit trees also need to be cared for now while the fruit is growing. A mature fruit tree needs 200 litres of water per week.

I mentioned some weeks ago that the tree roots are not just under the tree trunk but reach the same distance from the trunk as the tree’s height. Therefore, use a plastic soaker hose to water as it can spread the water accordingly.

One warning might be in order here. Too much water can kill a tree as well as no water at all. This is what I refer to as “wet feet.” If you have an apple tree, you will now have noticed some apples have started to drop; it is a nature’s way to reducing the weight of the load off the branch.

It is also time for you to consider how many apples that branch can carry and whether you want many small ones or fewer bigger ones. If the choice is larger, it will be necessary to thin out one-third, but only if the tree is overloaded.

I am proud to tell you the kale plants I started from seed have made an enormous crop. This is my first attempt to grow kale.

I did not plant potatoes this year as they take a lot of room. The potatoes I missed two years ago decided to grow so that I will get new potatoes anyway.

My memories took me back to October several years ago when we received four feet of snow in 24 hours. Some of my potatoes were still in the ground, where they stayed until the snow melted the following spring.

After inspecting my garden the other day, it came to mind to send out an SOS signal to get help, but then decided not to as no one would be listening in on my frequency.

My four-row of carrots have attempted to get my attention for some time. The other day I decided not to procrastinate any longer and lowered my six feet to the ground. It was not such a big job after all because when seeding them, I was careful to sow them sparingly.

I also learned to make the soil wet along each row.

The raspberries have started to ripen; even the yellow ones were not to ripen for another six weeks. The heat must have got to them?

Smithers Interior News