‘Foolishness’ of legal pot grows

Re: Andrew Holota’s On Point column (“A step beyond tightening medical pot grows.”)

Re: Andrew Holota’s On Point column (“A step beyond tightening medical pot grows.”)

It must be painfully obvious to all Canadians that the so-called “medical marijuana” grow-ops have now  come to the stage of plain foolishness.

As Holota points out, the number of people federally authorized to grow medical marijuana has expanded from the initial 500 people to a whopping 26,000 individuals who cannot seem to receive adequate help from our health care system.

So much for the much-vaunted mantra as used for providing abortions – being  “safe, legal and rare.”

Well, we know where that led – some figure close to four million Canadian lives snuffed out at or before birth.

How many other lives now will be ruined by this same catering to self-indulgent individuals, not to mention innocent bystanders caught in gang crossfire over control of these legal and dangerous grow-ops, or incinerated in fires resulting from wrong wiring?

Is there any way out of this silly situation short of turfing out every member of parliament who voted for this abominable result?

George Bochenek, Abbotsford

Abbotsford News