For the people

Letter writer criticizes the actions of the City of Vernon

I got a good laugh out of the “City targets road maintenance cutbacks” story on the front page of the recent paper.

Then it suddenly dawned on me that April Fool’s Day was over. Are we heading back into the middle ages in this city?

Open ditches instead of storm drains, skinny roads that are supposed to be cheaper to build and no replacement of aging sidewalks?

How about cut the waste instead of cutting critical infrastructure?

A quick glance at the list of taxpayer-funded festivals put on by our city every year include Bike to Work Week, Water Week, Earth Day, the Sustainability Awards and the list goes on. The city should not be using our tax dollars to put these events on. Let the handful of people that want them do the fundraising and all of the organizing themselves.

City staff should be doing what the people want, not pushing their own agenda.

Cut the red tape, and allow businesses and industry to thrive and grow in this community. Build us roads that can handle more than just smart cars.

Make wise decisions with our money, and people will likely have no problem paying more in taxes to get the work done properly.

Until then, you might as well take the money that’s being spent on the useless tourist booth by the Civic Arena and spend that money on a big overhead highway sign pointing people straight to Kelowna.


Chris Vandermolen



Vernon Morning Star