Foreign object in apple leads to public warning

Trying to do the right thing was out of the question as I have only one life to live

Trying to do the right thing was out of the question as I have only one life to live and hanging onto a telephone till the end is not in my cards.

On August 10, 2012 I decided to chomp down my daily apple.

On  about the third slice – my taste sensors detected a foreign object in my mouth.

It turned out to be what appears to be a staple of sorts that appeared to have been imbedded in the apple.

On August 11, it once again entered my mind that perhaps I should report the staple saga – but to whom?  the apple industry – the newspaper? or the police, who won the toss.

I phoned the Keremeos  R.CM.P. detachment  at 11 a.m.. Saturday August 11,   and was soon detached after I was asked to hold.

I didn’t think I could hang on till the cows came home while listening to that awful  background music so I hung up wondering what if it had been an emergency – what if?

Hopefully the Keremeos Review and other media will inform the public about a possible  multi staple attack on the innocent apple that could cause a possible health problem for young and old.

The rest is up to the individual to check before chomping – as it appears Halloween has arrived early.

My conscious is now clear.


Tom Isherwood,   Olalla



Keremeos Review