Former councillor voted against first, second reading

Many thousands of dollars have been spent on downtown and waterfront planning already

Editor, The Record:

Re: Meakin project passes third reading, Feb. 2 edition.

During the Jan. 31 public hearing, development consultant Ron Taylor suggested, without reference to the previous council records, that I had voted in favour of McBarge’s coming to Mission. His memory of my voting is incorrect. Minutes of Sept. 7, 2010 record that I voted against approval of first and second reading — along with Jenny Stevens and Danny Plecas.

My reasons are clear: The risks that come with the McBarge project are several, including environmental and financial. In addition, thousands of dollars have already been spent on thorough, well-considered

downtown/waterfront planning that makes sense for Mission in today’s economy.

On the other hand, throwing out downtown/waterfront planning will be completely irresponsible. Surely the costly “core review” for which the current council is willing to spend at a cost of $70,000 to $100,000 will indicate that.

Heather Stewart


Mission City Record