Former fighting dogs imported from U.S.

Too many people who are enamored with pit bulls are willing to sacrifice other people's pets

Former fighting dogs imported from U.S.

Former fighting dogs imported from U.S.

Re: March 22 Cowichan Valley Citizen

“North Cowichan council removes breed-specific clauses from animal bylaw”, SPCA’s Erica Paul states, “These are people’s pets and it’s up to them to ensure that they are good community members. Putting the onus back on the pet owners is one of the purposes of this new bylaw.”

Harve Morgan replies in a Facebook posting following the report, “Tell Erica Paul to come to the States, we’ll show her lots of fighting rings. Consider that the States are pulling shelter-deemed aggressive pits and shipping them to Canada, you guys would be foolish to drop any ban on pits now. Understand that a breed neutral law putting it back on the owner requires a victim. Bans and regulation are for the prevention of victims. So actually your decision is whether to have or not have victims. That makes the decision easier.”

His point is made clear by this report from your sister paper the Comox Valley Record “It was a rescue dog and they had been told the dog was fine with other dogs”, “Coastal Animal Services has confirmed that the aggressive dog was a pit bull” and “According to the animal bylaw enforcement agency, the dog was around seven years old and was a rescue from a kennel in California.”

Too many people who are enamored with pit bulls are willing to sacrifice other people’s pets and take the chance of having their own child or other people’s children maimed or killed. Please council, leave the bylaw intact.

Mel McLachlan


Cowichan Valley Citizen