Former mayor a spent force

Doug McCallum is like a red giant star which has exhausted its supply of hydrogen.

Red giants are stars that have exhausted the supply of hydrogen fuel in their cores. Surrey mayoral candidate Doug McCallum reminds me of that – a spent force.

He has seized on the crime and policing issue to gain attention. He proposes to hire more police. It all costs money.

I do remember when he was the mayor, he was keen on keeping taxes low – keeping them artificially low. He would put a freeze on them. The fact is we paid for that later under Mayor Dianne Watts’ regime.

Also I remember the tiff he had with Surrey RCMP when he wanted to suppress bad news about Surrey.

I say no thanks.

Then there is Coun. Linda Hepner. Her platform is more of the same. She has no vision. I have personal experience with her in the parks department capacity. I found her to be most bureaucratic.

Patrons of the North Surrey Recreation Centre started experiencing problems with the new parking regulations when city hall was moved there. Some of patrons’ letters were sent to her asking for help. She never even acknowledged receipt of any. I think Surrey deserves a new start and a new vision.

That brings me to Barinder Rasode.

She has demonstrated a penchant for dissecting issues when problems arise.

I remember after hockey mom Julie Paskall’s murder she pinpointed the problem for the public, but the rest of council ganged up on her because she didn’t keep it under wraps. She has shown a fresh approach and her own vision for the city. I support that.

One point to consider for all: The city’s growth under McCallum and Watts was unbridled.

Former Mayor Bob Bose used to lament about it. I believe a fresh look is needed and the unchecked paving of land slowed.


Dave Bains


Surrey Now Leader