Fortis bill shocks customer

I try to restrict my power usage, in fact I should be the FortisBC poster boy for power conservation!

Dear Editor,

Once again I receive my estimated FortisBC power bill.

Previous my bill for months June to August was $463. I was unaware of the lock out and that FortisBC was sending out estimated bills.

You can imagine my horror at that amount for the middle of summer!

I try to restrict my power usage, in fact I should be the FortisBC poster boy for power conservation!

Upon phoning FortisBC I learned my estimate was generated from 2010 usage. At that time I ran a sandwich business from my basement with walk-in coolers, fridges and other equipment.

The representative I was speaking with apologized and asked me to obtain information from my Smart Meter. The rep did some keyboarding at her end and then said I would receive a new bill.

It appears that Smart Meters aren’t so smart as they receive human intervention for the end product, which I did receive a few days later. The corrected bill…$167.

FortisBC is still stuck in 2010 effective of my current bill.

I urge everyone to phone FortisBC and demand a current usage bill, then perhaps FortisBC will resolve the current labour issues and get back to the business of serving their customers.

Randy Gibson, Princeton


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