Forum on GE foods

Letter writer promotes upcoming event relating to genetically engineered foods

Two renowned Canadian scientists will speak in Castlegar at noon on Friday Dec. 6, answering questions and concerns on genetically engineered (GE, also called genetically modified or GM) foods and human health.  As well, they will be speaking at 7 p.m. at Nelson’s United Church.

The Selkirk College Student Union (SCSU) Enviro Club is excited to announce they’ve partnered with Nelson’s Kootenay Co-op, the Society for a GE Free BC and the Greenpeace Vancouver Local Group to bring us  “Genetically Engineered Foods and Human Health: A Cross-Canada Speaker’s Tour”, featuring Drs Thierry Vrain and Chiv Chopra.

Might GMO’s have anything to do with a rise in allergic reactions to foods? Antibiotic resistance? Hormonal imbalances such as diabetes? Does anyone really know for sure? Does GE corn and soy have Bt insecticide built into them? Because Health Canada hasn’t said they’re dangerous, are they safe?

The noon to 2 p.m. public event in Selkirk College’s Room K-11 will be an opportunity to learn from a genetic engineer what GMO’s are, and about safety testing from a former Health Canada scientific advisor.   MC  Alex Atamanenko will facilitate what could be a lively question period.

Vrain and Chopra will address the topic of GE foods and human health from both a scientific and a regulatory perspective, and will suggest what can be done about it.  Dr. Thierry Vrain is a retired soil biologist and genetic engineer who — after a 30-year career with Agriculture Canada – is now very worried about what GE technology holds for our future. Dr. Shiv Chopra, a former Health Canada senior scientific advisor who blew the whistle on inadequate testing of Monsanto’s GE bovine growth hormone (rBGH), will explain why he believes the regulatory process can be compromised to serve corporate interests.


-Antoinette Halberstadt,



Castlegar News