Foster families’ contributions are appreciated

October is Foster Family Month in British Columbia — an opportunity to recognize the remarkable contribution foster families make.

Dear Editor:

October is Foster Family Month in British Columbia — an opportunity to recognize the remarkable contribution foster families make in our communities.

There are close to 5,300 children and teens in British Columbia who are unable to stay at home with their birth family.

Thankfully there are more than 3,000 foster families in the province that open their hearts and their homes to these young people in need.  The South Okanagan has an exceptional compliment of foster families giving unconditional love and acceptance to children and youth in your neighbourhood.

If you know a foster family, I encourage you to extend your thanks and appreciation to them for the amazing work that they do!

October is also the perfect time to consider whether you and your family are able to step up and embrace the rewarding challenge of fostering.

There are countless stories in communities across the province where both foster parent and foster child have had their lives forever changed for the better.

If you have ever considered being a foster parent, please contact the Foster Line toll-free at 1-800-663-9999 for more information, or the Ministry of Children and Family Development Resource Office at 250-770-7524 or visit:

Also see

To all our foster parents in the South Okanagan area, thank you for everything you do — you make a difference!

Karen Johnson, Team Leader

Ministry of Children and Family Development

South Okanagan Residential Resources



Summerland Review