Foul air problems ignored by ministry

In my continuing battle with the Department of Transportation about the high volume truck traffic on 264 Street


In my continuing battle with the Department of Transportation about the high volume truck traffic on 264 Street and the upcoming expansion of Hwy. 1, I have come across two relevant papers regarding children and coughs and the inevitability of leading to adult asthma.

The documents, the CCAAPS birth cohort, empirically ties vehicle exhaust with night cough in young children and can be tied to adult asthma. The survey was done on peoples with babies living within 400 metres of a busy highway such as. 264 St. Living on 264A street I constantly see new parents passing my house while exercising or hopefully getting their babies some fresh air, certainly not here on 264 Street during high traffic volumes.

Repeated emails to the minister have gone unanswered, in an election year it seems the concerns of people living along 264 Street are not worthy of attention.

Terry Brenan, Aldergrove


Aldergrove Star