Free events around town

Mark your calendars with Feb. 5 at the high school for the Arts, Health and Wellness Expo (see ads in the Times) - another amazing display of local and valley businesses and agencies.

Mark your calendars with Feb. 5 at the high school for the Arts, Health and Wellness Expo (see ads in the Times) – another amazing display of local and valley businesses and agencies.

I would like to publicly thank Bert Walker for speaking up for democracy at the recent Council meeting. I hope you are paying attention. Indeed it is a good idea for us all to attend public meetings. At the very least we need to check out the minutes on the websites.

Did you know that you could take your electronic waste to Clearwater Computers for recycling? This is an excellent service. Thanks guys.

Did you know that there are a lot of free events, display days, and the like at our Public Library? It is worth checking it out. And did you know that during Heritage Week in February there will be a display to mark the BC Parks Anniversary?

Did you know that there are many almost free events happening all the time in the area – coffee houses, music at the Blue Loon, the pancake breakfast at Blackpool Hall – all ways to get together with your neighbours and enjoy their company.

As a follow-up to my recent article about the forest fuel brushing and the animals – did you know that the deer who traveled on their deer paths past Evergreen Acres area for thousands of years, have not hardly been seen since the brushing and building has happened? Could it be that they have decided to go south for the winter? Or could it be that Ted was right, after all?

Have a good week and be try to be happy. Spring is almost here!

Cheryl Thomas

Clearwater, B.C.

Clearwater Times