Free means ‘liberated’ not ‘no charge to us’

I, like many others, am someone who is grateful to live in B.C. and to be a citizen of Canada

I, like many others, am someone who is grateful to live in B.C. and to be a citizen of Canada.

It is also, a joy, to live in a community that is home to very many generous folks who feel the needs of their less fortunate “neighbors” and freely pour out support in many gracious ways.

I have taken pleasure, as I ride about town, from the paucity of little blue signs urging us citizens to vote “Yes” to extinguish the HST.

We, all, have access to many privileges, benefits and services provided by our Governments. Someone has to pay for them and that someone is us, the taxpayer.

The HST seems, to me, like a fair way to tax the citizens. The ones with the most purchasing power pay the most taxes, it would appear.

Many of us citizens also seek ways to avoid paying taxes…and, at the same time, complain about things that cause inconvenience.

I am one who will vote “No” to abolishing the HST. I vote to keep it.

God keep our land “glorious and free.” Free as in “governed by consent and possessing civil liberties” not that the benefits we receive “have no cost to us.”

D. McGillis

Campbell River Mirror