Free trade?

Letter writer is concerned about new agreement between Canada and China

On Nov 1, a major trade agreement will automatically go into effect without democratic debate in the federal Parliament.

This is the China-Canadian Foreign Investment Protection Agreement (FIPA), which is essentially the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), only now concluded with China.

Just like Chapter 11 in the NAFTA, there is a clause allowing China to sue the Canadian government if they believe their ability to profit is unduly limited by our domestic policies. Canada has had to send millions of dollars to the U.S. under the NAFTA chapter 11  suits, and Belgium right now is facing a $3 billion suit filed against its government under a similar agreement to FIPA.

FIPA is a 31-year contract and a very major step for Canada.

The trade agreement needs a full debate in Ottawa and that is not happening.

Please write your MP and also the prime minister to demand that a full discussion take place.

David Kennedy



Vernon Morning Star