As a former reporter and editor at the Tribune, Diana French carries on sharing her ideas through her weekly column. (Photo submitted)

French Connection: Changes in the works

This has been a hectic week for me as I'm moving to the Senior's Village this week

The deadline for this column is Monday Sept.20, at noon, before the election is over. The results won’t really change my lifestyle unless the new government makes dramatic cuts to seniors’ pensions — like cutting them back to help balance the budget.

But I didn’t hear anything about that during the campaign.

Whoever wins, and I’m assuming it will be either the Liberals or the Conservatives, I hope they don’t get a majority. I think we’ll be safer with a minority.

Without a strong opposition to keep them honest, majority governments too often get out of hand and make decisions that can’t be reversed by a new government. Some of our trade agreements come to mind. Minority governments have to be more careful, but whatever will be, will be.

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride, and one of my wishes is that whoever wins can find a way to replace the hate-thing that colours the thinking of so many Canadians today with more understanding and cooperation. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if governments, and the rest of us, could all work together in respect and harmony.

This has been a hectic week for me as I’m moving to the Senior’s Village this week. My two out-of-town sons came to help with the move.

The is my fourth “downsizing” since I’ve lived in Williams Lake (51 years). It’s amazing how much I’ve accumulated – all by myself—in the eight years I’ve lived in the Stagecoach Apartments.

Just the number of books I’ve acquired is daunting, and some things I hate to part with, which make packing up harder. It’s great to have my boys together, but it has been a wild week.

The other member of my household, Jack, the cat I live with, has been completely discombobulated.

Diana French is a freelance columnist for the Tribune. She is a former Tribune editor, retired teacher, historian and book author.

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